Tulawat Island: Wiyot Dignity
During medical assisted recovery (8 years) I learned of the 1860 Wiyot Massacre in Eureka, California. Victims of massacre were at peace in community - as well as defenseless & unarmed. Massacre occurred without cause & without provocation. The 1850 census registered over 2,000 Wiyot Native Americans in Humboldt county, California. (1860 census was less than 200) I am a direct descendant (White European settlers) of the immoral community who failed to indict (Grand Jury) the 75 perpetrators of this massacre - we turned away from this atrocity. We failed Wiyot Native Americans - stole a nation's dignity & hid behind masks of cold indifference, we did not admit to our wrongs. I choose to serve victims by acknowledgement of dignity & building peace with justice for their descendants. I am not alone - City of Eureka recently returned (without restrictions or conditions) the entire property of Tulawat Island back to the Wiyot Native Americans. Tulawat Tractor is dedicated to the dignity of Wiyot Native Americans.
Gene Capeder, Power Engineer (Retired) Santa Clara, California. (eurekanative@gmail.com)
Pilates Hamstring Stretch by Helisusa, CC BY-SA 4.0
Safe & Effective Stretch
Biceps Femoris (hamstrings) are muscles of the posterior aspect of thigh (back of leg). This static-passive stretch is safe and effective - remember these are large & powerful muscles, be kind & gentle. Yes, several ways to stretch hamstrings exists, however, this Pilates approach will safely group stretch these {Lower Erector Spinae (run along spine); Gluteus Maximus (buttocks); Biceps Femoris (hamstrings); Gastrocnemius (calf); Soleus (back of lower leg); Tibialis Posterior (central leg); & Flexor Hallucis Longus (posterior aspect of fibula below calf)} muscles in remarkably effective manner. Flat back - neutral spine is everything right with this stretch - conversely, tilt forward - rounded back with other routines is everything wrong. Up to 24% of hamstring stretches on web are incorrect - do not round the back or twist the spine to stretch any powerful muscle groups, this will hurt & injure. Erector muscles are fragile and susceptible to micro-tears - these are less powerful as the antagonist muscles. Protect the Erectors - lay on a Yoga mat & maintain a flat back throughout sessions. Start neutral spine, add deep breaths, slowly (16 seconds) raise leg - hold for 16 seconds. Release & lower leg slowly (16 seconds) back to neutral position - hold 16 seconds. Switch legs & repeat. Repeat cycle 3 times. Sip water. Target 64 second cycles, aim 4 minute sessions At the end of sessions - lay flat on back for 1 minute to release antagonist muscles. Always start slowly - meaning raise foot part way at first, work to full height after 9 days. Micro-tear will feel similar as to a "charley horse" - dull pain (could be sharp) that will not go away after three days. If micro-tear exist in Lower Erector Spinae muscles - involuntary pain & stiffness to appear @ {L3/L4} in lumbar region. Always consult with a medical doctor beforehand - these symptoms could be a early sign of a serious injury. Stay safe - always keep within pre-determined comfort levels.
article by Gene Capeder, posted April 22, 2022.